Select Digital Stories

Amanda's Digital Stories:
“What’s in Your Backyard,” Outdoor Nation, 2016.
“Welcome to Nikki’s Place,” Center for Research and Education in the Arts, Technology, and Education (CREATE), 2014.
“What is Camp?” Girl Scouts of Alaska, 2014.
“The Trouble with Getting There,” UCF, 2014.
“Getting Lost,” StoryCenter, 2014.
“A Year in Review,” Engaged Learning through the Arts, 2013.
Video Dramaturgy (Various Productions), Orlando Repertory Theatre, 2010 – 2015.
Digital Storytelling Workshops:
I Am UCF (Undergraduate) University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, 2016-17
“Finding Beauty” (9th – 12th grade) Evans High School, Orlando, FL, 2015
“In My Life” (8th – 12th grade) interACTionZ, Orlando, FL, 2015
“Inside Out,” (8th – 12th grade) Orlando Union Rescue Mission, Orlando, FL, 2013
“OURM’s Got Talent: A Documentary” (8th – 12th grade) Orlando Union Rescue Mission, Orlando, FL, 2013
“I Come From a Place” (6th – 12th grade) Orlando Union Rescue Mission, Orlando, FL, 2012
“The Truth About Me” (9th – 12th grade) Orlando Union Rescue Mission, Orlando, FL, 2012
"The Recipe of Me” (5th - 9th grade) Orlando Union Rescue Mission, Orlando, FL, 2011
Digital Storytelling (DST) is a storytelling method that utilizes participant-guided research, co-collaborative production methods, and vernacular artistic voice to create short, personal video-narratives using video and audio editing software. The methodology developed from StoryCenter (formerly The Center for Digital Storytelling) in the 1990s. Today the field is steadily growing across the country and world.
Amanda became involved with DST while studying the intersections of narrative and performance. Working alongside local organizations, she began creating Digital Stories and implementing DST residencies for youth and adults.
Read about Amanda's latest digital storytelling project, "I Am UCF."
Select personal and project videos are available for viewing here. However, due to Amanda's close work with youth, many Digital Stories on which Amanda collaborated are not available to be screened publicly. If you wish to view more stories, please contact Amanda.